Thanks to legislation passed earlier this month, students in New Jersey with sever developmental disabilities may now take their daily doses of medical marijuana at schools throughout the state. It also grants that the parents of these students may administer medical marijuana doses on premise as well. This is huge news for the thousands who suffer from these disabilities in New Jersey, and will make getting an education much easier, as well as less painful. Despite being a verbal critic to most progressive marijuana legislation, this was signed and supported by New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. It is the first legislation of its kind in the United States, and could set precedent for other states to follow.
How did it happen?
These patients, who already receive medical marijuana to treat their disorders, have previously had to leave school grounds before consuming prescribed, legal, medical marijuana. And often, this resulted in missed doses or missed school. More specifically, this legislation is a response to the case of 16-year-old student Genny Barbour. Barbour’s parents took legal action against the state of New Jersey to allow their daughter to be administered her midday medical marijuana dose without having to leave school. The state agreed, and local advocates immediately helped push this legislation that would open up these rights to all disabled medical marijuana patients.
Timing is everything when it comes to states’ rights to medical marijuana
In Maryland, this type of legislation could be immensely helpful to the state school system in regards to their physically and mentally disabled students. And with legalized medical marijuana coming to the state, it may be wise for local politicians to look at how New Jersey implements this type of allowance. With about half the states in the US adopting leaner marijuana laws and medical marijuana reform, the political climate is ideal to introduce more progressive legislation. It’s important for medical marijuana advocates to capitalize on positive support from politicians, especially ones who have previously been against legal marijuana legislation.
Getting patients access to medical marijuana is an important step in the legalization process. Making sure the patients, who need treatment the most get it, is tantamount to success for both Maryland, and the rest of the United States. To learn more about medical marijuana in Maryland, and how you can get your card, contact us today via our website.