Q. How do I set up an appointment with a registered Maryland Medical Marijuana Physician?
A: Give us a call at 401-762-8745 or email GreenwayConsults@gmail.com and one of our friendly staff members will coordinate a date and time for you to get evaluated by a Registered Medical Marijuana Physician.
Q. What will I need for my appointment?
A: You will need a Photo ID and medical records pertaining to the condition of which you are trying to enter the program for.
Q. How much will my Medical Marijuana Certification cost?
A: The cost for the certification is $200. That price includes assistance with paperwork, the Doctor’s visit, and any other help throughout the process.
Q. What are the qualifying conditions that allow me to receive my Medical Marijuana Card Certification?
A: In order to receive a written certification for Maryland Medical Marijuana, you must have one of the following qualifying conditions, or you are receiving treatment for a chronic or debilitating disease or a medical condition that causes:
• cachexia,
• anorexia,
• glaucoma
• severe nausea
• wasting syndrome,
• severe or chronic pain,
• post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
• seizures, or severe or persistent muscle spasms.
• A chronic or debilitating disease or medical condition that results in being admitted into a hospice facility or receiving palliative care.
• The Commission may also approve applications that include any other condition that is severe and resistant to conventional medicine for which other medical treatments have been ineffective.
Q. Where can I fax my Medical records so they can be viewed by the physician at my medical marijuana appointment?
A: You can fax your records to 410-630-3553 or you can have them emailed to GreenwayConsults@gmail.com.
Q. How do I register as a patient or caregiver?
A: Answer: In order to register as a patient, you will go to the MMCC website and fill out the registration forms online:
Once you are registered with the MMCC you can then complete the certification from one of our registered physicians.
Q. Will my insurance company cover the certification process, consultation or Medical marijuana application?
A: No. Insurance companies do not cover the cost of a written certification in Maryland.
Q. What will take place during a visit with us?
A. A registered physician’s will examine you, review medical records, assess your medical history, maintain your patient records and our staff will provide follow-up care as needed.
Q. Where can get medical cannabis once I am certified for Medical Marijuana?
A: In Maryland a Medical Marijuana patient can obtain legal medical cannabis from any of the licensed Maryland dispensaries. There will be a total of 94 dispensaries. There will be 2 dispensaries per senatorial district.
Q. Do I need a patient ID card?
A: You are not required to carry a patient ID card, but they are available as an option. A patient ID card will be available for a fee of $50.00 to the Maryland Medical Cannabis Commission.
Q. How much medical cannabis can a qualifying patient possess at one time?
A: A patient may possess up to 120 grams (approximately four ounces) of marijuana in a 30-day period.
Q. Is there a maximum amount of marijuana extract that a patient can have?
A: Yes, a patient may only have up to 36 grams of marijuana extract per 30-day supply.
Q. Will there be edible in Maryland?
A: No, only flower and extracts (oils, tinctures, topicals, etc.) will be allowed initially. The Maryland Cannabis Commission hopes to introduce edibles as the program develops.
Q. Can I grow my own medical marijuana or can my caregiver grow it?
A: NO. The Maryland Medical Cannabis Laws do not allow for caregivers or patients to cultivate medical marijuana. Only a state licensed cultivation facility can grow medical marijuana.
Q. Where is the closest place to find a registered marijuana doctor?
A: Contact Greenway Consults at 410-762-8745 and a representative will help you find a registered Marijuana doctor within Maryland. Greenway Consults has offices in Annapolis, Baltimore County, and Silver Spring.
Q. What should I bring to my appointment?
A: For your appointment you would need Medical documentation for the condition you wish to be certified for, a government issued photo ID, and your Patient identification number issued to you by the commission. (If you have completed the registration online with the state already) If you have not completed the registration you can still attend your appointment.
Q. Will I receive or do I need an actual ID card?
A: Having an actual ID card for the medical marijuana program is not necessary. Your state issued photo ID or License will act as your medical marijuana card and will give you access to any of the state’s dispensaries. If you would like an ID card there is a $50 fee to the state, but this is optional. You must be certified by a registered doctor if you want to purchase the ID card. Here is a link where you can purchase the ID card: https://mmcc.maryland.gov/Pages/patient-ID-cards.aspx
Q. What is the cost to register with the state of Maryland?
A.There is no charge to register with the state.